Delivering Enterprise Data at speed and scale to the Cloud.


About Us

Our Belief

Every organization has a right to use their data in profitable, innovative ways and we CAN make it possible.

Read our Success Stories

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What drives us

The look of wonder on a client’s face when she realizes getting to her data could be THAT easy.

See what our clients say

Our mission is to make data pain free.

As data tech professionals with over 40 years of valuable combined experience, we were part of Big Data Revolution. Everybody and his mother was excited about it. Companies were throwing money at the latest data management systems expecting business insights that would add multiple zeroes to their bottomlines.
Sadly it was just shooting in the dark. Data everywhere was fragmented and firmly entrenched in silos. Extracting it, merging it with other siloed data and finally deriving some business value from it was a painful, long-drawn, expensive exercise with a high failure rate.

How we started.

Almost every company we spoke to had issues with their data. Either the data was
inaccurate or it took weeks to process. We also realised how inadequate the tooling was for data analytics and BI projects. Since the data was not trustworthy, using it for analytics could not yield reliable results. Thousands of dollars were being wasted. There had to be a simpler way out. We decided to leverage the power of the Cloud to create a codeless, automated data management platform that could be used as a Data Lake, Data Warehouse or Data Hub or all in one. A data platform that could load and merge any data without a hiccup and verify its accuracy. Enter the BryteFlow suite in 2014.

Enterprise data integration in real-time, without coding

BryteFlow replicates and integrates data on popular platforms like Amazon S3, Redshift, Snowflake, SQL Server, ADLS Gen2, Apache Kafka and Azure Synapse. Our proprietary technology extracts, loads, merges and transforms huge volumes of data in minutes. Data that once took weeks to process is now processed almost in real-time. Besides real-time automated CDC (Change Data Capture) data replication, we also have built-in automated data reconciliation, so your data is continually validated for completeness.

Need help with your data? Contact Us

Awards & Recognition

Over the years we have won a number of awards for our out-of-the box data integration technology.

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Winner in the CRN Impact Awards

Bryte named as a Winner in the IP, Product and Platform Innovation category in the CRN Impact Awards.

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AWS Technology Partner of the Year

Recognized by Amazon Web Services as their 2018 Technology Partner of the Year in view of our path-breaking technology. .

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Finalist in CeBIT Awards 2013

BryteFlow was adjudged a finalist in the CeBIT.AU Business Awards that recognize technological innovation.